E-Focus & Keystone Pro Version Premium Projector with HDR 5G WIFI Bluetooth AAXA L500 1080p Wireless Mirroring iPhone Android Streaming Apps Store,

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・PREMIUM OPTICAL ENGINE Limited Edition 30,000 Hour (high bin grade) LED engine delivers superior brightness and image quality. The L500 features an enclosed high transmissivity optical engine. Most LCD projectors in this class employ an inferior open element design, lower transmissivity LCD, and low quality LED light source ? the L500 does not. Not all projectors are equal.・NOTE: Halloween Special Effects is >NOT INCLUDED< and can be purchased separately NATIVE 1080P A Native 1080P Resolution with 550 LED Lumens delivers a vibrant 120” display. This is a 2023 Gen High Brightness optical engine, brighter than most..・4-WAY KEYSTONE Remote Electric Focus and 4-way (Horizontal & Vertical) keystone offers fine adjustments to ensure a crisp and distortion-free projection・ANDROID OS WITH STREAMING APPS STORE Onboard App Store that supports many of the latest streaming apps (region dependent). With an Android operating system the L500 is compatible with many different applications including Office and PDF file viewers. Includes WIFI 2.4/5G and Bluetooth connectivity. Power 10W speaker delivers immersive home theater experience・WIRELESS SCREEN MIRORRING Supports wireless mirroring for iOS and Android devices including Samsung Smart View. Cast your phone to the big screen with the mirroring function. (NOTE: Certain copyrighted content may not able to be mirrored or will have no audio)説明: The L500 mini projector incorporates a 3rd generation fully sealed dust-free LCD optical engine that eliminates the dust, cleaning, and distortion issues of previous generation optical engines, especially "open" optical engines. With recent advances in high-temperature liquid crystal, the L500’s optical engine increases brightness by 50% over previous-generation models while simultaneously improving color quality and contrast. With a 30,000-hour LED light source and the latest in high-temperature liquid-crystal technology, the L500 will outlast other lamp-based projectors by tens of thousands of hours. Additionally, the LED light source offers instant on/off performance and is mercury-free.カテゴリー: プロジェクターメーカー: AAXA Technologiesブランド: AAXA Technologies高さ: 30.3 センチ幅: 24.1 センチ奥行: 19.5 センチ重量: 3.0 Kg当サイトをご覧頂き誠にありがとうございます。弊社商品は全て正規店からの新品・並行輸入品です。税関手続・関税払いは全て弊社で対応の上、全国送料無料でお届けします。弊社海外倉庫より国内に発送しますので、お届けまで2-15営業日程度お時間を頂いております。税関検査により無作為に開封された場合、ごく稀に外箱に損傷が生ずる場合がありますが、商品自体の品質には問題ございませんのでご安心ください。(商品が電波法上の技術基準に適合する必要がある無線機器の場合:商品は並行輸入品のため、電波法上の技術基準に適合致しません。日本国内で使用すると電波法に違反する恐れがありますので、ご購入・ご使用には十分ご注意ください)

残り 1 23550.00円

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